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How to Create Your Own Profitable EBook -- In 1 Hour
Thursday, November 16
Article By Jim Edwards and Joe Vitale
Many years ago a stunning blonde woman stopped me dead in my tracks at a trade show in Chicago for publishers. She thought I was a book reviewer, and she was dead set on getting all living book reviewers to see her client's new book. I was next in line. I'm glad I didn't run.
As it turned out, her client had put together a collection of inspiring quotes. I don't recall his name or the book's title, but I do vividly remember that woman and what she told me.
"We've sold 100,000 copies of the book so far," she announced to me. Now stop and think about this. What you are about to realize can help you became a profitable author in as little as one hour -- or even less.
That woman's client was selling a book HE DIDN'T WRITE. His book was a collection of quotes by other people. He may or may not have tossed a quote by himself in their, too. The point is, he put together an entire book by not writing a single word himself. And yet he not only is considered "the author" of the book, but his perky salesperson is out there selling it like it's the next Harry Potter!
I just looked on Amazon and there are 539 "quote" books listed. Pretty impressive for books that aren't so much written as they are collected.
The point here is that you can create your own profitable Ebook in far less time than you think.
You can write your own Ebook in less than seven days.
You can write a short Ebook in an afternoon.
And you can collect quotes on any theme you might imagine and have it done tonight.
What are you waiting for?
Jim Edwards is the co-author of : *Ebook Secrets Exposed* How To Make Massive Amounts Of Money In Record Time With Your Own Ebook Whether You Write It Or Not!
©2006 Jim Edwards and Joe Vitale. All rights reserved
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