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What Google Never Told You About Making Money with AdSense
Monday, November 20
3 Types Of Websites That Can Make You A Fortune
Article By Joel Comm
One of the best things about making money on AdSense is that anyone can do it - and with just about any type of website.
You don't have to own a mini-Amazon or build a budding Ebay to make big stacks of cash on the Internet; you just have to have a site that attracts users.
*What Google Never Told You About Making Money with AdSense*
. AdSense For Owners Of Commercial Sites
A lot of people who have built a website specifically to make money worry about putting ads on their sites. They're concerned that people might be put off buying if their browsing is interrupted by intrusive ads. That's absolutely right. If your ads are intrusive, then you are going to annoy your users.
But if you've used all the strategies I recommend in my book *What Google Never Told You About Making Money with AdSense* to blend your ads into the site, then not only will you keep your users sweet, you'll also increase the number of your click-throughs.
Put AdSense ads on the right pages and in the right way and you'll make even more money from your site. And that's the point, right?
. AdSense For Owners Of Information Sites
Information sites are probably the most obvious places to put AdSense.
If you've created a site that's designed to teach other people about your favorite topic - whether it's video games, mahjong or raising guppies - then AdSense is ideal for bringing your site money.
Again, you'll still need to be smart about the way you use those ads (just put them on the site any old how and you'll barely make enough money to pay for the server.) Do it properly and use all the proven AdSense revenue-generating techniques and you'll be able to turn your hobby into cash.
. AdSense For Owners Of Blogs
Blogs are intended to simply let people know what their writers think - and do no more than that. But a lot of bloggers have recently discovered that with the help of AdSense, their blogs can quickly become cash cows!
Because they're updated regularly, Google loves blogs and because they have regular visitors so do advertisers.
The techniques used to get blog readers to click on ads are a bit special but once you've read up and know what you're doing, you should be able to turn your writing into a very nice income indeed.
Joel Comm is "Dr. AdSense", an Internet entrepreneur who has been online for more than 20 years. Joel is co-creator of, now known as Yahoo! Games and is the author of the web's best-selling AdSense Secrets ebook, *What Google Never Told You About Making Money with AdSense*
Copyright © 2006 Joel Comm. All rights reserved
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