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The Top 7 Mistakes eBook Authors Make
Sunday, November 26
The Top Seven Mistakes eBook Authors Make
By Jim Edwards and David Garfinkel © 2006
eBooks are the hottest thing going on the Web right now!
Authors with the entrepreneurial instinct are making anywhere from a few hundred to tens of thousands of dollars per month - that's right, per month - by selling ebooks online.
Why are some authors doing so much better than others?
We've discovered seven key mistakes that most ebook authors make (and in doing so, hold themselves back from major success):
1. They don't write to a specific, target audience.
The biggest mistake most ebook authors make is they don't clearly define, identify and visualize who they are selling their ebook to. On the Web, to be successful, you must write to a specific group of people who have specific interests. Make sure that you know exactly who is going to buy your ebook, and where you can find them online.
2. They don't automate as many of their business activities as possible.
Selling ebooks, though it is highly profitable, is not a business where you make hundreds of dollars per sale.
Automate everything you can - credit card processing, ebook delivery, as much technical support as possible. If you can't automate a function, delegate it to someone else.
3. They don't have a compelling title for their ebook.
Use words that convey the benefit of what's in the ebook, as well as words your audience is familiar with.
A bad title for an ebook: "Online Marketing for Newbies." A good title for the same ebook: "97 Ways to Promote Your Website - No Experience Required."
4. They try to cover too much ground.
Many ebook authors convey a lot of information but don't cover anything in-depth. As a result, they never fully explain anything in enough detail to provide any useful
value to their readers. This is a very bad mistake to make, especially when it comes to how-to ebooks, which happen to be the best type to write.
5. They are not proactive in their marketing.
It would be nice if marketing for your ebook simply happened on its own - but it doesn't. You have to do it yourself. After you've promoted your ebook to the people on your own mailing list (if you have one), then you have to contact other Website owners and persuade them to be your affiliates. You should do this continually.
6. They don't differentiate their ebook from its competitors.
When you choose your topic, even if there are a hundred other ebooks out there on same general subject, choose an angle for yours that will make it easy for yours to be distinguished from the others.
For example, right now job-hunting ebooks are very popular. There are dozens that are big sellers. "Secrets of Breaking Into Pharmaceutical Sales" has a very specific title that sets it apart from the competition, and is aimed at a clearly identified target audience. Incidentally, it's selling very well itself.
7. They write ebooks that nobody will pay for.
Many ebook authors write about information that either people can get for free, or that people are not actually interested in enough to pay for the information.
Before you invest weeks or months into the writing of your ebook, invest a little time investigating whether other ebooks in the same subject area are selling on the Web.
So, there you have it - the seven big mistakes to avoid. Remember, the opportunities are plentiful - and huge - right now for anyone who wants to become a best-selling ebook author. Simply use common sense, follow our advice, and let your literary career flourish!
Click Here for more information
=> Jim Edwards and David Garfinkel are co-authors of *eBook Secrets Exposed* How to Make Massive Amounts of Money in Record Time With Your Own eBook whether you wrote it or not! -- the authoritative guide to publishing and marketing ebooks on the Web.
The God Father Of Guerrilla Marketing, Jay Conrad Levinson says, "If there ever was a 'must-read' for this century, it's this book."
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