The Money Making Secrets Of Top Gurus Blog

The Lazy Man's Guide to Online Business. How to Work Less, get Paid More... and have tons more Fun!

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The Secret Strategies And Mindset Of Lazy Achievers

Fact #1 -- Most people are working too hard to make any real money online!

Most people spin their wheels and put in a lot of hours, but at the end of the day they don't have much to show for it.

Fact #2 -- A few people don't work any harder than they have to... yet they make tons more money online and enjoy themselves a whole lot more than everyone else.

Who are these incredibly "lucky" people?

They're called "Lazy Achievers" - and I've found a breakthrough ebook by Jim Edwards that teaches you their "secret" strategies, techniques and - most importantly - their mindset!

The Lazy Man's Guide to Online Business.
"How to Work Less, get Paid More... and have tons more Fun!"

Does this sound familiar?

The more you successful you get, the more *work* comes your way!

More Sales = More Hours = More Work = More Stress!

Now it seems all you did was just create another "job" for yourself on top of everything else!

What happened to the hands-off, "remote-control" business you thought you created when you opened the doors of your own dot-com?!

Well have no fear!

No matter what type of online business you operate, help is on the way...

Jim Edwards is a man who's been where you are!

He sold his first ebook way back in 1997 and steadily built his online business up from just a few hundred bucks in sales to now making as much in a single day as many online businesses make in a month (some even a year!)

His ebooks have generated hundreds of thousands of dollars in sales and he is the co-author of the ultra-successful ebooks "How to Write and Publish your own eBook... in as little as 7 Days".

But he paid a *heavy* price...

Jim was making a six-figure income, but he slaved away 14, 16 even 18 hours a day with no end in sight.

The more "successful" he got -- the more work piled up on him!

Then one day it all changed...

Last summer Jim had a chat with someone he thought he knew quite well - and this amazing ebook grew out of that talk.

The person?

His own father! Dallas Edwards (Jim's co-author) is a man who brings to the table several decades of business experience in getting things done easier, better, faster, and cheaper in many different industries.

After some discussion Jim asked his dad a "point-blank" question...

"Can you really work less and make the same or even *more* money in less time?"

After his dad explained what would later become "The Lazy Man's 15 Principles for Success" Jim immediately knew there was a better way to run his online business.

Jim *immediately* applied these new-found principles to his existing business.

What happened next seemed almost like magic....

Don't you want the same results!?!

Less Work... More Money... More Fun!

Here's the bottom line on this incredible resource...

"The Lazy Man's Guide to Online Business" will teach you the techniques, strategies and, most importantly, the mindset of "Lazy Achievers"

Now you can learn *exactly* what they do and how YOU can join them!

But that's not all!

Jim also got some of the brightest minds online to share their secrets for creating and operating super-efficient, money-making online businesses, including:

~ Jay Conrad Levinson - Mr. "Guerrilla Marketing"

~ Yanik Silver - "King of Copywriting"

~ Jonathan Mizel - "The Online Marketing Letter"

~ David Garfinkel - "Advertising Headlines that Make you Rich"

~ Joe Vitale - "Outrageous Copywriting Genius"

~ Larry Chase - "Web Digest for Marketers"

~ ... and 7 more!

These aren't skimpy little two paragraph interviews either!

These are *meaty* full interviews with highly successful people who reveal their best and *proven* techniques, tips, tools and strategies for making more money -- in less time --and having a whole lot more fun doing it!

I urge you -- Don't Hesitate!

Click Here Now for more FREE Information!

To make it even better for you Jim is offering the ebook at a very special price along with 3 outrageous BONUSES... but you must act quickly! Once the world discovers the *secrets* of "Lazy Achievers" the price is going up as high as $49 - Act Now!

Don't take my word for it - read what some of the Brightest Minds Online had to say about this ebook when they got a sneak preview...

"If you feel like you're always spinning your wheels and busting your butt and never getting head of the curve, read this book - it's aimed at you!"

Larry Chase
Author, "Essential Business Tactics for the Net"
Publisher, Web Digest for Marketers

"Jim Edwards is anything but a lazy man, yet he shows you how to be lazy and relaxed while amassing a fortune online. His wise words ought to be engraved in your brain and his ebook ought to become mandatory reading for anyone interested in tapping into the best money-making technology ever invented."

Jay Conrad Levinson
Author, "Guerrilla Marketing" series of books

"Outstanding! I learned some eye-opening secrets for cutting time and making money.
This book should be called 'Secrets of Lazy Achievers' and everyone online should have it now!"

Joe Vitale
Author, "How You Can Make $5,000 - $15,000 Each Time You Teach Your Very Own E-mail Only E-Classes!"

"After reading the 'Lazy Mans Guide', I applied two things and I immediately made three sales and freed up two hours a day from e-mails! Just by applying the simple system in your book, I found three leads, which ended up turning into three closed sales netting me $1200. I certainly would have lost these sales had I not bothered to take action and apply what your book recommended.

Gene Ramos
Digital 360 Communications

Get more information now!

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posted by Daphne n Crystals Chia @ 2:24 AM

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