How To Make Money On The Internet :
* FREE Audio Interviews - 13 Top Internet Marketers Reveals Insider's Secrets!
* 7 Hottest Online Money Making Models
* The Simplest and Easiest Money Making Model On The Internet -- Affiliate Marketing
FREE Audio Interviews - 13 Top Internet Marketers Reveals Insider's Secrets!
Wednesday, January 17
Listen to these Amazing Audio Interviews where 13 of the Biggest Names in Internet Marketing were grilled to reveal Insider's Secrets and behind the scenes methods they used to create Massive Paydays.
It's FREE and Packed-Full with over 15 hours of Golden info!
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posted by Daphne n Crystals Chia @ 12:01 AM
ClickBank's Hot-Seller 'Dominating ClickBank' Videos by Online Marketing Guru Andrew Fox Now going at Half-Price...
Thursday, January 11
ClickBank's Hot-Seller "Dominating ClickBank" Videos by Online Marketing Guru Andrew Fox Now going at "Half-Price" instead of the usual $97 for a Limited Time only!
"Dominating ClickBank" is a set of 9 Videos Revealing Money Making Secrets that let You Master ClickBank and Profit Wildly from It. ClickBank is the Internet's largest digital marketplace, where thousands of the web's most popular products are sold every day.
Get the details at Andrew Fox's "Dominating ClickBank" Videos Website and take advantage of this Great Offer Now...
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posted by Daphne n Crystals Chia @ 1:29 PM
If you have zero budget to advertise your website then this is written for you...Turn Words Into Traffic
Sunday, January 7
In a recent survey over 91.3% of subscribers said they wanted to know how to get MORE traffic to their websites and their affiliate links.
They also said they wanted to know how to get that traffic FAST and they didn't want to or couldn't pay for it.
If you're one of the people who wants more traffic to your website and affiliate links, here's the formula you've been looking for...
So what is it?
First let me tell you what it's NOT:
~ It's NOT pay-per-click search engines
~ It's NOT "Spam"
~ It's NOT FFA links or "Safe" Lists
~ It's NOT complicated search engine tactics
~ And no, it's NOT classified ads or banners either
In fact, it's not any crazy traffic "scheme".
It's simple.
You use free articles distributed all over the Internet that draw visitors to your website like bees to honey.
With free articles, the targeted traffic you generate is as good or better than any traffic you could pay for ... except you don't have to pay for it!
In fact, this system is so effective it gives you an almost unfair advantage over your competitors who are out there spending big bucks to get traffic.
The great thing about it is it doesn't matter if you have a website or not. Even if the only way you can make money online right now is to promote other people's products as an affiliate, this system will work for you immediately!
If you want more traffic because of the increased sales, customers and money you know it will bring you, but you don't want to or can't spend money to get the traffic, then Discover How To Turn Words Into Traffic Now!
Here's what two of the most popular and trusted authors on the Internet had to say about Turn Words Into Traffic!
-Yanik Silver, the famous author of 'Instant Internet Profits':
"If you think you know it all when it comes to using
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See it for Yourself here => Turn Words Into Traffic
"Discover a website traffic machine that generates visitors for weeks, months, even years... Without spending a dime on advertising."
Related Post:
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posted by Daphne n Crystals Chia @ 3:08 AM
Letting Your Articles 'Virally Widespread' Across The Web With Article Announcement Lists
Thursday, January 4
Article Announcement Lists are Online Groups that deliver New Articles directly to subscribers of the group.
By submitting your Articles to Article Announcement Lists you're getting them in front of Thousands of potential Publishers which could include Publishers, Editors and Owners of highly subscribed Ezines, Newsletters and Content-Sites who are constantly looking for Fresh, Quality Relevant content to reprint.
Imagine how your Traffic and Sales will Soar if your Article is picked up and reprinted in an Ezine with 50,000 subscribers!
A great Article Announcement List to start your Article Promotion and letting your Articles 'Virally Widespread' across the web is the 'Article Announce' Group.
You need to subscribe to this group before you can submit your Articles to it. As a subscriber you'll get to see lots of New Articles by other Authors, which is good for increasing your own exposure, learning and also a good source for research.
When subscribing, you can choose how you want to receive the Announcements of New Articles from the 4 options below:
- Individual Email
If you want to get each Article and special notice individually and immediately, as it is posted.
If you choose this option, I suggest you use a separate email address just for this, you could be receiving more than a hundred emails a day.
- Daily Digest
The option to choose if you want to see all Articles but limit the amount of email you receive. They'll compile an email of up to 25 Articles and send daily.
- Special Notices
Receive only important email notices from the group moderator.
- Web Only
Don't receive any emails. Read Article online.
After subscribing to 'Article Announce' , you can post your Article to the group in one of two ways:
- Visit Yahoo My Groups page and post your Article online
- Paste your Article into an email message and send it to the groups "Post" address. Keep in mind, if you post your Article via email, you must send it from the email address you used to subscribe to the group. In addition, file attachments will not be accepted.
'Article Announce' Group has a set of Guidelines for Article Submission, be sure to follow them.
*Basic Article Submission Guidelines*
- You may post your article to the main Article Announce group and ONE targeted sub-group (AAInternet, AABusiness, AAGeneral, AAHome or AAHealth).
- Your publishing guidelines MUST be included at the TOP of your submission.
Example Guidelines:
You have permission to publish this article electronically or in print, free of charge, as long as the bylines are included. A courtesy copy of your publication would be appreciated. - Author bylines (resource box) MUST be included at the BOTTOM of your article and must not exceed 6-8 lines.
Example Bylines --
About the Author:
Crystals Chia is committed to helping Ordinary Folks start their own Profit Generating Internet Business Quickly and Easily. She's offering an Incredible Internet Marketing Secrets Video Series Worth $549 Absolutely Free for a Limited Time...Hurry down to her Blog and Grab it while it's still available! - Articles MUST be properly formatted in plain text. The standard acceptable line-length is 60 - 65 characters including spaces. HTML is NOT permitted.
This Free Text Formatter will make your job easier, it'll auto-format your Article for you. - Your article "title" MUST be placed within your email subject, as well as with your article, with NO additional text.
- Articles may only be posted ONCE. Do not post the same article to any group more than one time. It will be deleted.
- Only ONE article may be posted within a 24-hour period.
- DO NOT post an article to more than ONE sub-group per
day. It will be deleted. - Advertising of any kind is prohibited.
Include more info about your article for Example --
Article Title : Letting Your Articles 'Virally Widespread' Across The Web With Article Announcement Lists
Author : Crystals Chia
Format : XX characters per Line
Word Count : 924
Article URL :
Changing Your Subscription
If you would like to modify your subscription, you can do so
by visiting the group's main page and clicking on the "Edit
My Membership" link.
You will have the option to receive individual article
posts, a daily digest of the articles, no email, or special
notices from the moderator only.
You can find the groups you're subscribed to by visiting Yahoo My Groups
*List Of Article Announce Groups*
Article Announce - [article_announce]
All article submissions.
Article Announce Business - [abusing]
Business oriented articles including: Business, Ecommerce,
Sales, Networking, Business Communication, Internet
Marketing, Promotion, etc.
Article Announce Internet - [aainet]
Internet oriented articles including: Ebooks, Ezines, Search
Engines, Web Design, Web Development, Web Sites, etc.
Article Announce Home - [aahome]
Home and Family oriented articles including: Parenting,
Relationships, Cooking, Recipes, Crafts, Gardening, Home,
Article Announce Health - [aahealth]
Health and Fitness oriented articles including both physical
and emotional health.
Article Announce General - [aageneral]
General Interest oriented articles including all articles
that don't fit in any other category.
Wishing you Massive Success for your Article Promotions with Article Announcement Lists, letting your Articles 'Virally Widespread' across the web...
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posted by Daphne n Crystals Chia @ 11:52 PM
How to Generate Floods of Laser Targeted Traffic To Your Website or Blog Without Spending A Dime On Advertising -- Part 2
Sunday, December 31
If you've missed Part 1 of 'How to Generate Floods of Laser Targeted Traffic To Your Website or Blog Without Spending A Dime On Advertising' you can read about it here.
Get Ready to Flood your website or blog with Eager Red-Hot Traffic, build your Credibility, establish Yourself as an Expert in your Niche and let your site Rank Higher in search engine! Here comes the 6 steps:
1. Find A Hot Topic
Visit forums and discussion groups relevant to your Niche to find Hot Topics.
What information are your Target Niche looking for?
What are their Needs?
What Problems are they facing?
2. Select Targeted Keywords
Think about the Keywords or Keyphrases potential customers would used to search for your product or service, and used them Richly and appropriateiy in your Article. There's a Free Yahoo Keyword Selector Tool you can use to help you with this.
Just enter a word or phrase you think searchers might use, the Keyword Tool will show you how many times the word or phrase have been searched for in the previous month, plus a list of related words and phrases that people have searched for. Using Targeted Keywords in your Article will also increase your site's Ranking in search Engine.
3. Write A Keyword Rich Article That Addresses The Hot Topic
Your Article shouid provide Valuable Information about a Hot Topic, or provide solutions to a specific Problem.
- create a Killer Title for your Article that Grabs Attention and contains your Keywords
- create a winning Opening Sentence that Attracts prospects to read on and contains your Keywords
- plug your Keywords into the 1st and last paragraph
- ideal length of your Article is around 400--800 words
- add a short Author's Resource at the end with a Link to your Website or Blog
4. Let Your Killer Article Spread Like Wildfire Across The Web
Ezine publishers and many Website owners are consistantly looking for Fresh Quality Content to publish or reprint.
By submitting it to Highly Traffiked Article Directories which carry thousands of Article on a wide range of topics. Your Article will be picked up, reprinted and spread like Wildfire across the Web, driving Floods of Eager Red-Hot Traffic who're searching for the Info or Solutions Your Site provides.
Head Over To These Major Article Directories To Submit your Article:
Ezine Articles
Go Articles
Article City
Idea Marketers
Web Pro News
5. Submit your Article To Article Announcement Lists
These Lists deliver newly published Articles to their subscribers creating a huge Viral Traffic Explosion for you. You'll need to subscribe to the Lists before you can submit Articles to them.
Here're the Major Article Announcement Lists:
Yahoo Groups Article Announce
Free Ezine & Website Content
You can read more about Article Announcement Lists over here.
6. Free Yourself Up With Article Submission Services
Article Submission Services help Submit your Articles to thousands of Article Publishers for a one time or per promotion fee. By using these services you save yourself tons of valuable time and Free yourself up for other more important tasks.
Here're three popular Article Submission Services:
Article Marketer
Submit Your Article
The Phantom Writers
Wishing You Astounding Success with your Articles and Unending Floods of Laser Targeted Free Lifetime Traffic!
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